日本財団 図書館

Order of workiug ships 24 23
Workiug of ships may be refused 25 24
Manifest of cargo 26 25
Breaking bulk 27 26
When hatehes to be pened 28 27
Master to superintend loading or discharge 29 28
Ships to be worked with reasonable dispatch 30 29
Working cargo in overtime 31 30
When cargo/goods considered landed 32 31
When cargo/goods considerd sbipped 33 32
Receipts for cargo/goods 34 33
Cranes 35 34
Floating crancs 36 35
Prevention of loose articles fajling into a harbour 37 36
Articles dropped or thrown into a harbour 38 37
Deposit of foreign matter, including oil in a harbour 39 38
Ballast 40 39
Loading or discharging of bulk cargo:Ventilation and safety 41 40
Hatches to be removed and replaced 42 41
Master to protect ship during loading/unloading 43 42
Mechanical handling appliances 44 43
Fires on ships 45 44
Sanitary arrangements in harbcur 46 45
Ships to be open for inspection 47 46
Gangways 48 47
Persons disembarking or enrbarking 49 48
Boarding or leaving ships 50 49
Removal of ships having offensive matter on board 51 50
Repairs to ships 52 51
Fumigation of ships 53 52
Sparks,fumes,soot or smoke 54 53
Engine trials of ships 55 54
Lowering of boats from ships 56 55
Precaution: Flammable cargo 57 56
Ship's material or gear in harbour area 58 57
Ships may not be moored nor obstacles placed within the water area of da drydock 59 58
Beaching ships within a harbour 60 599
Responsibility of master 61 60
Drydocks 62 61
Security to be given before wrecks are broken up 63 62
Small craft to make way 64 63
Small craft to exhibit lights 65 64
Mooring of small craft 66 65
Small craft crossing bar 67 66
Small craft,other than pleasure craft,to be licensed; pleasure craft to be registered 68 67





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